Pictured from l-r first row: Smith, Hull, Congressman Schock, Taylor and Lewis. Second row: Klingele and Maiers.
Connor Klingele, Trevor Maiers, Miranda Taylor, Kylie Hull, Annika Lewis and Randallynn Smith represented Adams Electric Cooperative and Adams Telephone Co-Operative in Washington, D.C., during the annual “Youth to Washington” Tour, June 13-20. This event, sponsored by the electric and telephone cooperatives of Illinois since the late 1950s, is an introduction for rural youth to our democratic form of government and the cooperative business model.
The students met with Congressman Aaron Schock and were among 75 rural Illinois youth leaders selected for the trip. The Illinois students joined more than 1,600 young leaders from across the country from 44 states. In addition to the Capitol, they also visited Gettysburg, Arlington National Cemetery, the Washington National Cathedral, several Smithsonian Museums, The U.S. Supreme Court, the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, the World War II Memorial, memorials to Presidents Lincoln, Jefferson, Washington and Roosevelt, the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, the Newseum and a number of other historical sites.
Sophomores and juniors in high schools that are within the service area of Adams Electric Cooperative and Adams Telephone Co-Operative are eligible to participate in the annual program.
Adams Electric Cooperative is a member of Touchstone Energy — an alliance of 750 local, consumer-owned electric utilities around the country. Adams Electric Cooperative is committed to providing superior service based on four core principles: integrity, accountability, innovation and commitment to community. The co-op serves more than 8,593 meters over 2,229 miles of line in parts of Adams, Brown, Hancock, McDonough, Pike and Schuyler counties. For more information visit www.adamselectric.coop.
Adams Telephone Co-Operative has been serving Western Illinois since 1952 and has evolved into a state-of-the-art telecommunications company. Through its affiliated companies, Adams provides a full range of data, voice and networking services backed by a local fiber optic facility, local and long distance telephone service, high-speed Internet access, and television programming. Adams Telephone Co-Operative serves members in Adams, Brown, Hancock, McDonough, Pike and Schuyler counties. For more information visit: www.adams.net.