Pictured from left: Eldon Castlebury, Barb Frese, Gary Clayton, Jim Stout, Lisa Seals, and Brad Hopping.
Not pictured: Ron Myers, Alison Armstrong, Randy Bullard, Ken Blum, Brad Cassens, Brett Bottorff, Scott Wray, and Gloria Jenkins.
Golden, IL– Adams Telephone Co-Operative held its final Advisory Council Meeting on October 17, 2016 in the Community Room of the Golden office. Topics discussed included an Adams Fiber TV update as well as an update on Co-Operative fiber plans. There was also a fiber splicing demonstration prior to council member’s receiving appreciation gifts from Jim Broemmer, Chief Executive Officer.
For over ten years, a primary focus of our member outreach has been our Advisory Council. Broemmer stated, “The commitment of our Advisory Council members has been integral to the success of Adams Telephone Co-Operative. I appreciate the input and dedication our council members have shared throughout the years. Thank you to each member who represented their district.”
Our new focus for the upcoming year will be a presentation team, Teaching with Technology, comprised of our Adams Experts. The development of this team will provide additional opportunities for our employees to interact and educate our members as well as the community on topics such as Internet Safety for Families, Agricultural Technology, Wi-Fi Optimization and Connected Homes. If your organization or group could benefit from a Teaching with Technology presentation, feel free to contact us at 217-696-4611.