Advertisement for Bids for Fiber Optic Installation

Notice is hereby given that sealed bids are being accepted for Adams TelSystems Inc. for the construction of 57.15 miles of new underground fiber optic facilities within Adams County, Illinois, awarded through round three of the Connect Illinois Broadband Grant Program. The contractor must adhere to the Prevailing Wage Act (820 ILCS 130/0.01 et seq.), Employment of Illinois Workers on Public Works Act (30 ILCS 570/.01 et seq.), and Illinois Works Jobs Program Act (30 ILCS 559/20-1 et seq.). Companies are encouraged to submit bids even if they are unable to meet all requirements.

Bid packages are available by contacting Mariah Teague or Sara Brunsen with Vantage Point Solutions at Sealed bids will be accepted until 1 p.m. CST on Friday, September 6, 2024. All bids should be submitted to: Vantage Point Solutions, Attn: Mariah Teague, 2211 North Minnesota Street, Mitchell, SD  57301.

Adams TelSystems, Inc. reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities.


Written by Bridgette Northern
