Golden, IL— Pam Leffringhouse, Schools and Libraries Coordinator, was recently the winner of an employee contest which allowed her to gift $100, provided by Adams Telephone Co-Operative, to the charity of her choice.

(l to r): Jim Broemmer, Adams CEO; Pam Leffringhouse, Adams Schools and Libraries Coordinator; and Pat Heinecke, Community for Christ Assistance Center Director
Leffringhouse chose Community for Christ Assistance Center in Camp Point. Along with Jim Broemmer, Adams CEO, Leffringhouse recently presented the check to Pat Heinecke, Director. The organization provides assistance with utilities, rent/mortgage, and has a food pantry for clients within income guidelines. It also offers a thrift shop, which is open to the public.
Broemmer noted, “Our employees give back so much of their time, talents, and earnings to the local area. We love giving them extra opportunities to benefit charities that are close to their hearts.”