Four Local Students Are Winners of Washington, D.C. Tour

On March 25, 2015, 32 area sophomores and juniors met in Springfield with approximately 250 students from across Illinois for the 2015 Illinois Electric and Telephone Cooperative Youth Day. Eighteen students represented Adams Electric Cooperative and fourteen students represented Adams Telephone Co-Operative.

During Youth Day, students met with Senator John Sullivan and Representative Randy Frese at the State Capitol, toured the Old Capitol and the Abraham Lincoln Museum. At the end of the day, each cooperative group participated in an interview competition. Two trips were awarded by each cooperative for the 2015 Youth to Washington contest. This year’s judges were John Freitag and Ambyr Crawford from the Association of Illinois Electric Cooperatives. Winners were chosen based on applications and interviews.

The winners of Adams Electric Cooperative’s 56th Annual “Youth to Washington” contest were Dustin Speckhart, son of Brent and Barb Speckhart, and Kira Eidson, daughter of Barry and Vicky Eidson. Both winners were from Payson Seymour High School. Dylan Cornwell of Unity High School, son of Aaron and Tracy Cornwell was named Alternate.  


(l to r): Dustin Speckhart, Kira Eidson, and Dylan Cornwell

This is the twelfth year for Adams Telephone Co-Operative to participate in the Youth to Washington Contest. Winners representing Adams Telephone Co-Operative are Abigail Thompson of Southeastern High School, daughter of Mark and Lori Thompson, and Lindsey Jennings of Brown County High School, daughter of Jim and Leslie Jennings. Laurie Gronewold of Unity High School, daughter of Brent and Jenny Gronewold was named Alternate. Alternates are eligible to go to Washington, D.C. if a winner is unable to attend. Alternates will receive $50.


(l to r): Abigail Thompson, Lindsey Jennings, and Laurie Gronewold

Winners will join approximately 70 other high school students representing Illinois electric cooperatives on June 12, 2015 and travel to Washington, D.C. They will be accompanied by several chaperones and return to Springfield on June 19.

During the all expense-paid week in Washington, D.C., winners will join approximately 1,450 other students from 42 states for “Rural Electric Youth Week,” sponsored by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association and electric cooperatives across the United States. Activities include touring the U.S. Capitol, Library of Congress, Arlington National Cemetery, Smithsonian Institute, Washington Monument and other national shrines.  The group will also have an opportunity to meet their senators and representatives.

For more information on the Youth to Washington Contest, contact Adams Electric Cooperative at 800-232-4797 or Adams Telephone Co-Operative at 877-696-4611.


Written by Lori Miller
