Youth to Washington Contest!
The 2025 Youth Tour to Washington, D.C. will be June 16-23, 2025.
A little bit about the Youth Tour Program…
The Youth Tour contest is open to high school sophomores and juniors. Each year, we select up to 34 students based on applications to travel as a group to Springfield to attend Illinois Electric and Telephone Youth Day. Youth Day is March 5th, 2025. While in Springfield, we meet with students from cooperatives across Illinois and visit various historical sites in Springfield.
At the conclusion of Youth Day, judges from the Association of Illinois Electric Cooperatives (AIEC) will select two winners to represent Adams Electric Cooperative and two winners to represent Adams Telephone Co-Operative. One alternate is named for each co-op in case one of the winners is unable to attend.
Winners will spend one week in Washington, D.C. in June visiting places of historical interest, as well as members of Congress, and getting a firsthand view of our government in action. Students also learn more about the important role cooperatives play in our nation by organizing a Chip ‘N Pop Co-op on the tour bus.
Adams Electric Cooperative has been sending students to Washington, D.C. since 1959. Adams Telephone Co-Operative joined the program in 2004. Today, approximately 2,000 students from 42 cooperatives across the United States meet at our nation’s capital each summer.
Visit for more details.
The application deadline for the 2025 Youth Tour is February 17, 2025. Students who turn in their completed application by February 3 will be eligible to win a $25 prepaid debit card! Find the application here.